Escape Your Limits Podcast feat. KeepMe CEO, Ian Mullane

At Keepme we frequently ask the big question – what is the future of fitness? Learning from our industry-leading clients and other thought leaders, we constantly re-evaluate how the market is evolving and how operators can flourish, even in trying conditions such as COVID-19.
Since the pandemic, the entire industry has seen a huge shift towards digital as a whole, from streaming online classes, managing resources or even ‘the new normal’ member experience becoming increasingly automated. But at Keepme we saw this shift, long before COVID-19. Ian, our Founder & CEO, was invited to the Escape Your Limits Podcast with Matthew Januszek for a second time to discuss future trends and the role digital will play in the ever-changing landscape of our sector.
Ian’s interview was shot before the widespread COVID-19 shutdowns, but interestingly Ian makes some incredibly accurate insights into the way operators need to evolve in 2020.
Ian and Matthew discuss the rise in digital competitors, which operators are now competing with and how this will continue to pose a threat to traditional fitness models if they do not embrace digital processes within their club. He also explores how operators can utilize Artificial Intelligence to strengthen every aspect of our member's lifecycle, predicts upsell opportunities and risk and also amplify the existing efforts of the teams that run our clubs. In times so unprecedented, many of Ian’s opinions and advice about the industry’s challenges and sometimes the outdated approach we see to tackle them, rings more true than ever.
Watch Ian’s full-length interview:
Or download and listen to the episode on SoundCloud or Apple Podcasts:
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