Smart Gym Campaigns & Automations
Enjoy instant access to our powerful campaign management suite with every Keepme subscription. With a wide range of features, including ready-to-use email templates, an extensive library of automations, and a user-friendly drag-and-drop email builder, managing your campaigns has never been easier.

Trusted by 350+ fitness clubs around the world

Build Campaigns and Sales Processes
Easy to build automations make effective sales and marketing processes a breeze. Create streamlined processes, distribute leads seamlessly, automate outreach and set up campaigns in just seconds.
- Automate outreach & offers
- Streamline lead distribution
- No misplaced or overlapped leads
- Save 16-20 hrs per team member p/m

Email Builder
Effortlessly create on-brand campaigns with our intuitive drag-and-drop email builder. Designed for accessibility, anyone can design and craft engaging campaigns, ensuring your brand shines through every email.
- 100% on-brand campaigns
- Drag & drop blocks
- WYSIWYG editor
- Access millions of free images

Whatsapp & SMS Campaigns
Engage your audience 'where they are' with Keepme's versatile messaging capabilities. Send SMS and WhatsApp messages instantly or leverage smart automations for hyper-personalized communication on a larger scale.

Email Template Library
Ensure brand consistency with Keepme's email template library. Equip your sales and marketing teams with professionally designed templates, streamlining workflows and maintaining brand integrity.

Automations Library
Unlock a world of possibilities with Keepme's vast collection of pre-populated automations. Whether you want to nurture fresh leads or activate dormant members, choose from a diverse range of tried and tested options or customize an existing automation to precisely fit your needs.

"We communicate with our members in numerous ways. Automated campaigns are user-friendly, and the insights give us excellent information."

Automate Gym Lead Generation With AI Sales Agents
Imagine Boosting Membership Sales and Cutting Costs - 24/7, 365 days a year...
- Generate leads around the clock
- Increase club tour bookings automatically
- Multi-language: Engage prospects in every language
- Capture & nurture prospects across every channel
- Seamlessly integrate with your existing systems
- Achieve higher connection rates on outbound calls

Gym Sales, Supercharged
Keepme Sales unlocks the power of your gym's prospect data in an insight-packed dashboard where you can control every gym lead and predict your future sales funnel.

Retention, On Autopilot
Keepme Membership unlocks the power of your existing member data inside an insight-packed dashboard, where you can predict which members will leave - and model your future business growth.

Content Production, But Easier
Keepme Creator is the fitness industry's first-ever generative AI tool exclusively designed for gym operators. Create emails. SEO enriched blogs and social posts all in your brand's tone of voice.
“I really love the campaigns feature as a whole, because it's given us an ability that we've never had before, we can really micro-target different areas of our customer base and see regular data of what's working, what's not working, A/B test it, retarget if we need to.”

On-Demand Webinar: Smart Campaigns & Automations
Join us in this on-demand webinar as we delve into the transformative capabilities of Keepme’s smart campaigns and automations, crafted with gym owners in mind. Discover how to effectively utilize zero-party data (your gym members' directly collected interests and preferences) to significantly enhance your revenue by as much as 35% with strategic upsell tactics.

Ready to skyrocket retention & membership sales?
Whether you're all about turbocharging lead conversion rates or igniting member engagement, we've got your back. In your 30-minute session, we'll dive into your goals and show you how Keepme can transform the way your club performs.

"Our favorite feature is the Automations. Every new member receives a series of emails designed to guide them on their journey toward wellness. What used to be a manual process for our Personal Trainers is now automated and the results have been better with much less work."