The Fitness Future: Rules of Engagement
Adapt or get left behind
Digitisation, 5G, at-home offerings, evolved working patterns... the fitness industry has never faced so many new factors to evaluate. That much has been talked about extensively. But here’s the bit people haven’t really acknowledged yet: as a result of this snowstorm of new factors, the industry has found itself blinded. Uncertain not only about how to stand up to the competition, but about who its competitors even are. One thing is for sure: the relationship customers seek with a fitness business is changing.
The sector must adapt, and fast. My concern is that, to do so effectively, genuine enthusiasm for technological innovation will be required. This from an industry that has thus far been lukewarm in its embrace of progress and reluctant to adapt to change. But there are very real opportunities for operators who are prepared to accept the new reality and reposition themselves for the inevitable.
This white paper will explain how to go about this business-critical repositioning.