Redefining AI For Gym Sales: Keepme’s Sales Agents are More Than Simple Bots

Keepme’s AI Sales Agents offer a game-changing approach for gym sales, combining advanced NLP and industry-specific training to deliver personalized, human-like interactions. Unlike off-the-shelf bots, these agents understand your prospects' intent, ensuring seamless conversations that drive sales. Tailored to your brand’s goals, Keepme’s AI doesn’t just respond—it engages, nurtures, and converts. Discover how this innovative AI solution can transform your sales process and create a healthier pipeline for your team.
Hilary McGuckin
Hilary McGuckin
October 2nd, 2024
Redefining AI For Gym Sales: Keepme’s Sales Agents are More Than Simple Bots

Unlike off-the-shelf Large Language Models (LLMs), Keepme’s sales AI models are trained on your club data and can be further customized to deliver results that are not only more accurate, but more personalized, and above all, natural. Unlike bots that only have access to a basic FAQ, ‘Agents’ are trained to understand the nuances of your health club and how to answer in the most human-way possible, ensuring a more accurate and favorable experience for your prospect that translates into a healthy pipeline for your sales team.

Moreover, the integration of advanced Natural Language Processing (NLP) within Keepme's AI Sales Agents enables them to engage in more dynamic and context-aware conversations. This means they don't just respond to keywords or pre-scripted phrases; they truly understand the intent and subtleties behind each interaction.

By leveraging NLP, these agents can tailor their responses to match the tone and style that resonates best with each individual prospect, further enhancing the human-like experience. This deep understanding allows them to seamlessly guide conversations toward your specific sales goals, making them an indispensable asset to your sales team.

More Than Just ChatGPT for Gym Sales

Harnessing the power of generative AI to increase your sales team’s productivity and effectiveness, isn’t a tick-box exercise. It’s not enough to just employ the services of a bot that purports to have an LLM at its core, believing it will be smart enough to handle the front-end of your digital operations. Why? Well, not all LLMs are created equal. We all know about open source GPTs like OpenAI’s offering or even Google Gemini, but unadapted and without expert development and the addition of industry specific libraries plugged in or woven through their very fabric, the quality of output from these LLM ‘bots’ may not be what you expected ... and definitely not what prospective gym members expect

So what’s the difference between a bot and an Agent? 

First and foremost, as we touched on above, Keepme’s Agents have been developed with the inclusion of fitness industry-specific libraries we train our large language models on. So already they can draw on so much more expertise that is relevant to your prospects than ChatGPT could ever give them. Secondly, there’s the natural language processing - the importance of which can’t be underestimated. 

We’ve all had frustrating conversations with basic bots that either a) don’t understand our request or, b) don’t have access to enough information to give us anything other than a scripted answer, which, and let’s face it, never really gets to the bottom of our request and certainly never understands our intention behind it, or worse still, c) take us on a infinite loop of follow-up questions or pre-selected options that ultimately result in us filling in a contact form or giving up altogether.

As a result, we wanted to ensure our Agents could not only understand your gym prospects, spelling-mistakes and regional accents included (yes, we include voice!), but could sympathetically respond with the appropriate tone and channel context (more formality via email vs chatty and casual via WhatsApp for example), and dig deep into the data you trained it on (and the libraries it was upskilled in) to ensure the most accurate response. 

Going beyond what a typical bot would do, Keepme’s AI Sales Agents are trained with your brand’s specific objectives in mind, empowering them to nurture conversations, on any channel, towards achieving that goal. If a prospect reaches out to enquire about memberships and special offers, the concierge characteristic of the Agent will accurately answer their inquiry with the necessary information, but it will go beyond that. By asking further questions of the prospect to get a better understanding of them and their interests (or intent), it will then sympathetically steer the conversation towards the desired goal, be that booking a tour, signing them up for a free trial, or securing them a free taster session. 

Our AI Sales Agents are able to make business decisions based on a deep understanding of the conversations it has with your prospects, powered by the fitness industry’s most accurate sales AI technology.

Ready to Discover Omni-Channel AI Sales Agents?

Available 24/7, 365 days a year across every major channel, ensuring no potential members fall through the cracks.