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A Beginners Guide to Chat GPT - Keepme x Fitlife Club Network

Keepme's Growth Marketing Manager recently hosted an exclusive event for members of The Fitlife Club Network, lucky for you - the recording is available for everyone!

In the recording, Matt covers the basics of getting start with ChatGPT if your are a club operators. No technical jargon, this session was geared towards complete beginners.

Matt will covers:

  • A step by step guide to setting up your ChatGPT account

  • Ways that ChatGPT can be used within a fitness club

  • How to draft prompts that will get you the best output

  • Q&A session

Using ChatGPT is the easiest way you can get started with AI, and it’s free!

Ready to learn more?

We love to talk AI in fitness, book a quick discovery call to see what it could do for you. Book a 15 minute discovery call today.